So just who is our Mystery Indie Man? Meet Clark Kepler, President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of KEPLER'S BOOKS in Menlo Park, California.
A resounding high-five out to Amy Rea who cracked the case in record time. Amy has a $25.00 Books Sense gift certificate winging its way to her now. And, hats off to our runners up to TadMack, Thalia Chaltas and Jennifer Bertman. Man, you guys are good! I thought I might have you stumped for a few days! I can see I'm going to have to pull out my dusty 17-pound manual of Really Brutal Contest Challenges. You've driven me to this.
If "Kepler's" sounds familiar, they should, because they were just awarded the Lucile Micheels Pannell Award for BEST FAMILY BOOKSTORE-- in the nation! Very impressive. And, our mystery man, Clark Kepler, was awarded Bookseller of the Year by Publisher's Weekly in 1994.
After spending some time on their website touring their many events, photos, community projects, charitable donations, author interviews, books clubs, staff picks, I can see why this bookstore gets such stellar marks. This is a veritable hub of literacy, outreach, and rich tradition.
And where else but Kepler's might one buy a Jane Austen Action Figure?? I don't have one of those yet!

8-] {(:-]
Mary & Robin
So the khaki pants were a red herring! Diabolical!
Cheers to Kepler's!
Yaaay, Jane! (Those are so fun. But she's not an action figure. She's a DOLL.) Yay Kepler's!
I live about a 20 minute walk from Kepler's, and it deserves every bit of praise it gets. From author events to helpful staff, this place makes me excited to be both a reader and a writer.
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