1st Place goes to Liquid Amber, winner of the tre chic Banned Book bracelet from Vroman's Books in Pasadena. I'm wearing mine today. Love it tons. Way to go LA!
2nd place to Anne Marie, who will receive an autographed copy of Robin's lastest book Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos. And don't forget, you can also designate another recipient if you want to donate the book to a school, agency, child, or White House Library.
3rd place goes Stephanie Humphreys! I'll send you (or your designee) a signed copy of The One Where the Kid Nearly Jumps to His Death and Lands in California. Atta girl, Stephanie!
And, last, but never least, 4th place honors to Rebecca Langston George! Hip hip soufle! Rebecca, you have your choice of chocolate OR a 10-page manuscript critique from Robin. Anyone else out there willing to admit that this would present a real conundrum?
I need our four esteemed winners to email me with your address so we can get your booty out to you.
Danke, arigato and graci, good friends, for joining in our celebration and being part of our SVP world. We are truly having the time of our lives here, and look forward to the next ten grand, or gazillion. (I'm working on my abundance issues.)
YOUR fans,
Mary & Robin
Yay! I am so excited!!!!!!
Puh-leeze, Rebecca, do not think it will hurt my feelings one bit if you choose chocolate. The reason I offered was b/c a couple of months ago, at an event, I offered someone chocolate as a prize and they demurred, explaining they were diabetic. It just made me aware that not everyone covets candy as much as Mary and I do.
Congrats to you winners!!
Toot! Toot!
Kimberly Lynn
Wow, can't wait to read the book. Thanks.
Are you insane? I would take a critique from you over chocolate any day of the week! I should probably send YOU chocolate to ease the pain of having to read part of my manuscript. I'm so excited! Yippee Yippee! If I was a winner I was hoping to win the critique. Thank you soooo much!
Rebecca L-G
hello, caroyn forsman here, designer of the I Read Banned Books Bracelet. i used to be a public librarian and profits support the Freedom to Read. still time for a conversation piece gift on my website http://carolynforsman.com. Wow #1 prize. thank you. carolyn
Oh, wow, Carolyn! Thanks for coming by! And, I'm so glad to know where I can get more bracelets-- I bought up all the ones that Vroman's had the day I was there.
We LOVE them-
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