Congratulations to LISA SCHROEDER launching her new YA novel this week!
Simon Pulse
January 5, 2010
432 pages
Lisa says she will be celebrating her release day on Tuesday by doing a reading and signing at the Clackamas Barnes & Noble in Clackamas, Oregon, wishing and hoping that the weather cooperates. If you're in the Portland area, she hopes that you will come by! All the details can be found by clicking right here.
And if you'd like to see what a completely compelling book trailer looks like, take a look. Lisa's Book Trailer.
And if you'd like to see what a completely compelling book trailer looks like, take a look. Lisa's Book Trailer.
Lisa is also celebrating her release month by hosting a special event on her blog all month long called Dream Big 2010. Twenty-five other amazing authors have written blog posts around the topic of Dream Big! If you're looking for inspiration during the month of January, you'll surely find some here at Lisa's Dream Big 2010.
Lisa Schroeder is a native Oregonian, which means her childhood summers were spent camping, fishing, reading books (of course!), and playing in the sun, when it finally came out. These days, Lisa spends her summers, and every other part of the year, sharing all the wonderful things Oregon has to offer with her husband and two sons. She is the author of two other verse novels for young adults published by Simon Pulse - I Heart You, You Haunt Me, and Far From You. Her middle grade debut, It's Raining Cupcakes, will be published by Aladdin in March, 2010.
Robin and I think one of you deserve an autographed copy of Lisa's book. Well, we think you all do, and if either one of us sell an movie option to Disney this week, we may just do that! :-] In the meantime, throw some confetti Lisa's way today via our comment section, and you'll be entered to win. Best of luck to you!
Lisa, have a terrific launching. Happy congrats from the entire Shrinking Violet tribe. Wishing you and your novel great success!
Pictured: Lisa and her beach dancing partner, Stormy.
Heads up, friends! We have not one, but TWO Violets launching books this week. While we usually post only on Mondays now, in honor of our second launcher, we're hosting a Thursday ::Special Edition:: post. Come on back.
And, you do not want to miss our Monday, January 11th post! As part of our feature Coolest Introverts in Children's Lit, we will be interviewing-- you're never gonna guess-- seriously-- no way! Yup, we are. This Monday. S/He is an introvert! Swear. And the Shrinking Violets are the first to know-- it's like an EXCLUSIVE. Wow.
Confetti, confetti, confetti! I just went over to read some of the Dream Big 2010 posts and became a follower.
And here's some big dreaming your way for your Disney deals!
Congrats to Lisa on the book launch! I grew up in Oregon (in a family of introverts) and also spent my childhood camping, fishing, and reading. I now live in North Carolina. I miss the Oregon coast and mountains but love the North Carolina weather.
I just added Lisa's blog to my RSS feed. I'm not writing a book but I do have big dreams for 2010 so I look forward to keeping up with her Dream Big series!
Oops, I meant to say what a great BOOK TRAILER, wow, am I tired! But truly: I can't wait to read this book!
You are so awesome! Thank you for doing this!! My dog's name is actually Stormy, but no worries. I don't think she reads your blog (although she really should, since it's so wonderful).
Aaach, Lisa-- please tell give Stormy a kiss of apology for me. I've just made the change. :-)
Happy Happy Launch Eve, Lisa! Whoopppeeee!
Yay Lisa!!!! :) :)
I've been following Lisa's blog and reading her verse novels for a while now, and I'm looking forward to CHASING BROOKLYN!
Jenn Hubbard
(writerjenn at LiveJournal)
Happy Book Launch, Lisa! I grew up in Southern Oregon but now live near Boston -- I"ll be spreading the word about your new book on the North Shore. Love your Dream Big 2010.
Yay for Lisa and hew new January release (which seems to be a pattern). I am so excited for you, Lisa!
yay!Lisa! So excited for you. :)
CHASING BROOKLYN looks amazing, Lisa! Congratulations on your launch, and on such a fabulous book trailer!
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