Twitter cupcakes by Bakerella
Twitter virgin coming aboard! (Twirgin?) Semi-freaked. Hi!

And I'm IN! Only omigod, where's Robin! Robin! Tweet! Tweet! Where are you?? Calling RL LaFevers! SOS!
It's kinda scary in here and I'm being trampled by extraverts. They are incredibly chatty! Thank god they only get 140 characters a shot. I'm noticing some get around that by posting like eight consecutive messages. Okay, now that's cheating. If you can't say your piece in 140 characters, just go sit down at your desk and fold your holds.
Where is my Shrinking Violet Twibe? Please come find me!
Okay, now this is actually helpful. I just learned that my Santa Barbara neighbor, Ellen DeGenerous, has a spoon stuck in her garbage disposal. Man, if I were a plumber, that would be an important tip. As it is, I'm tempted to swing by and fake it. LOVE her and her little dogs, too. Hey, I've pulled a few spoons out in my day. And I really want to talk to her about an "Ellen's Pick" book list for kids and YA that she needs to start. Maybe I should just get the stickers made for the covers and drop them by her place. Could there be a better match? Ellen and books for kids? I swear, some days the ideas just won't quit coming.

Twitter Class Picture by Mallix
Wow, Rachel Maddow is very ON, and dawg, the girl is well-connected.
Tweet you later!
Welcome to Twitter! I want to follow you, but I need a username, or a link.
Okay, I think I found you...
I, too, am interested in following you if you'll give us a username. Or you can just tweet me at @deborahkwhite
Also, you don't have to follow the super-chatty extroverts who do dozens of tweets each day or the boring people who give out informing that doesn't interest you. Really. I give you permission. :)
You're found! I agree with the cheating thing--drives me nuts, but then I tell myself to just leettt gooooo....
I'm not as happy on Twitter as on FB, but I haven't given up yet! It does feel a bit more like chaos coming RIGHT AT ME! :)
Twitter...(hangs head)...
Hi, fellow Intro-Twits! And I mean that in the nicest way possible! You can find me under the user name: maryhershey. Come say hi!
Please! :-)
And I am in now too; rllafevers.
See you all there!
Ahh! I take it back, I can't find either of you. (not the real yous, anyway) *hangs head* I fail at Twitter. Can you find me?
And that's the reason I don't twitter. I was on for, like, a day and then closed my acct. Too confusing. I'm on MySpace and Facebook...and I barely manage to keep up with both. Therefore, I'm not jumping on the Twitter bandwagon.
Shrinking Violet Twibe?
I enjoy Twitter because it forces you to be so pithy--I feel like I'm writing haikus without worrying about syllables. I also find it less intensive than Facebook (but it might be that I'm following far fewer people on Twitter than I've friended on Facebook...).
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