At Shrinking Violets, we are all about Indie Love and first started singing their praises on the web when we first showed up here in blogsville. In May 2007 we held our First Annual Independent Booksellers Month, which many of you participated in and helped turn it into a real event.
So how excited were Mary and I to learn that Indie Bound has declared May 1 their Buy Indie day! Really, we couldn’t have planned that one better ourselves. So we are very excited to use that as a jumping off point for our own month long celebration of independent bookstores. Many of you have offered to be our Field Reporters, and others have nominated some fabulous individual booksellers for our Indie Bookseller of the Year Award. But there are still other ways you can participate!

But maybe you don’t have much of a book budget right now. That’s okay. We understand. There are still more ways to win! Consider linking to or re-posting one of our Field Reporter’s indie bookstore profiles on your own blog. If you come back and post your link in the comments, you’re name will be put in the drawing for a $100 Indie Bound gift certificate! (You’ll have plenty of budget for those book then!) Or purchase a book online through one of the Independent Booksellers we profile during the month. That will get your name in the drawing as well. And you know what? If you can think of another way to spread the Indie Love around, we’re open to hearing about it and using that as a way to get your name into the drawing.
Good for you! Independent booksellers are so special, and they deserve their own month.
If small press authors and independent booksellers get together in a big way, we'll really have something amazing.
I'm celebrating Buy Indie Day at my blog, but may need to expand on it more too. Thanks for the nudge!
Yipeeee! Let the FUN begin! Can't wait to hear back from our Reporters this month.
Let's ALL vow to do at least one thing this month to promote an indie. They do so much for our us!
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