The Introvert's Bill of Rights

Thanks for all your excellent suggestions, everyone! Here is our updated version, and I'm posting it for a final round-up of ideas.


1. Introverts have the right to claim a sacred space of their own for recharging, rebalancing or simply enjoying a single, solitary activity.

2. Introverts have the right to leave social events "early" as needed. Or not attend at all.

3. Introverts have the right to explore and choose the marketing and promotional activities that feel best suited to their unique style and preferences.

4. Introverts have the right to abstain from any marketing (or life) activities that result in boils, a resting heart rate > 120, and/or loss of any bodily function.

5. Introverts have the right to marry other introverts and bear children

6. Introverts have the right to retire to their hotel rooms for quiet and recharging time during conferences!

7. Introverts have the right to not say anything for upwards of three hours and still be considered "cool."

8. Introverts have the right not to have to explain why they need down time or alone time.

9. Introverts have the right to use email instead of the telephone.

10. Introverts have the right to wear iPods/MP3 players in ostensibly social contexts, thereby demonstrating not their introversion but their thoughtfulness.

11. Introverts have the right to not engage in conversation unless they so choose.

12. Introverts have the right to believe wallflower is not a dirty word.

13. Introverts have the right to recharge with video and/or computer games without being regarded as childish.

14. Introverts have the right to screen phone calls or cut short exhausting phone conversations as needed.

15. Introverts have the right to take walks in the middle of the day to clear their heads and recharge.

16. Introverts have the right to listen for long periods of time.

17. Introverts have the right to submit email interviews in lieu of over the phone or in-person.

18. Introverts have the right to choose the size of the crowd they participate in.

19. Introverts don't have to raise their hand in class.

20. Introverts have the right to ride conveyances of all types unmolested, and may use any ploy at their disposal to discourage small talk.

21. Introverts have the right to attend a social function and say absolutely nothing.

22. Introverts have the right not to speak up in meetings until they're damn well good and ready, without being thought of as dull-witted.

23. Introverts are allowed to (and actually like to) eat dinner at restaurants or go to movies alone.

24. Introverts don't have to be quiet all the time.

25. An introvert has the right to create a paradoxical public image, one that claims to reveal as little about themselves as humanly possible while doing the exact opposite.

26. An introvert has the right to spend time with other introverts in complete silence and not be mocked for it.

27. Introverts have the right to say no to potential house guests, without being thought of as being rude.

28. Introverts have the right not to throw parties, and still be thought of as normal human beings.

29. Introverts have the right to shut off the phone, close the curtains, lock the doors and hide at explanations required.

30. Introverts have the right to read the Shrinking Violet Promotions blog and not leave a comment. :-)