And our winner is . . .
Amy Lynn Spitzley!
Amy hails from Traverse City, Michigan and was nearly dumbstruck at the news. In the manner typical of so many creative folk, her first question was "Uh-- didn't very many people apply?" We loved her humility, when in fact, her essay was absolutely bang-ON. And one of three hundred entries!
Having recovered her wits, she had this to share today. "I owe a huge debt to the godsisters. Their magic is gently forcing me to get out of my shell. Having written down many thoughts, promises, and ideas in my essay, I intend to live up to as many of them as I can in LA--and have fun in the process!"
We want to thank all our Honorary Godpersons who contributed toward this scholarship! (You know who you are!)
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...
Yipeeeee! I'm so excited for Amy and can't WAIT to meet her at Nationals.
Many, many congrats, to our newest Cinderella!
Mary Hershey
Hooray, hooray for Amy! And three hundred cheers for the amazing and talented and oh-so-generous godsisters!
Yay! I'm excited for her! Congratulations, Amy!
Congratulations to Amy!
Congrats, Amy! I know you will have a blast.
Congratulations, Amy! You're so fortunate to have your very own fairy godsisters :^)
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