Ciao, l' amicos! Ms. Viola pitch-hitting here for Robin and Mary who are busy plotting away about some kind of SDQBI grant for something happening this summer in Los Angeles. All I know is that there is a delish one thousand dollar cha-ching attached. O-O-o-ooh! Now that got my attention! Do stay tuned on that front, won't you?
Milestone Monday! Back at last! The day devoted to blowing your horn however softly or madly you like. We want to hear about you! Perhaps you wrote through a difficult scene, queried an agent, received an encouraging rejection, updated your resume, said NO to something that was a big YES to you. Do tell! Leave a comment here telling us all about it, or if you prefer to blow quietly, you can send your milestone to Mary at Just between us. Everyone that submits a milestone will have their name entered in a drawing to win a copy of Laura Resau's faborama of a book entitled Red Glass, which has won just about everything but the Pillsbury Bake-Off. (Now is she or isn't she an introvert? Enquiring minds want to know. 'Fess up, Laura, dahlink!)
Just nine days and counting until the start of National Independent Bookseller Month here at Shrinking Violets! R & M wanted me to tell you to keep the bookstore names coming in. If you haven't already, please do post the name and address (or website) your favorite indie so they can be in the running to be featured next month. We love indies so much it nearly makes us weep.
So, post away, friends. Your tribe loves hearing from you!
Arrivederci for now--
Your loving Ms. Viola
I signed with an agent this week. I can still hardly belive my dream has come true after seven years of hard work on my novel "Act of Grace"
This is my milestone today:
Lafreya, wow! Big congrats on this major milestone! Thanks for sharing, and I love the title of your novel.
Jennifer-- headed right over to Nathan's now. Can't wait to read it. Muy excellent.
Thanks you two!
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