Colt and Julia were secretly together for an entire year, and no one—not even Julia’s boyfriend— knew. They had nothing in common, with Julia in her country club world on Black Mountain and Colt from down on the flats, but it never mattered. Until Julia dies in a car accident, and Colt learns the price of secrecy. He can’t mourn Julia openly, and he’s tormented that he might have played a part in her death. When Julia’s journal ends up in his hands, Colt relives their year together at the same time that he’s desperately trying to forget her. But how do you get over someone who was never yours in the first place?
“With this debut novel, Hubbard has crafted a fine addition to the pantheon of YA literature.”—Francisca Goldsmith, Booklist
“It's a moving portrait of grief and the sharp societal lines that divide.”—Publishers Weekly
Pictured--a premonition: Future fans of Jennifer Hubbard line the sidewalks in front of her local indie waiting for her next novel.
"When my book came out at the beginning of January, I had a week-long party on my blog where I collected comments, and donated money to my local library based on the number of comments I received. I gave away books. My cat made an appearance as a guest blogger. My three goals for the week were: celebration; giving back; fun and entertainment. I’m also having a live party at my local independent children’s bookstore."
Having visited Jennifer's blog, I can attest to the fact that she has written the book (or at least should!) on how to host a fabulous on-line launch. Take a click and check it out! She graciously thanked everyone that had been part of her journey, and then began fund-raising for her local library. She donated 50 cents per comment up to $50 max. Such a stellar idea! She also invited librarians to email her for an exclusive raffle, and gave away three copies of her book to them. She made a point to congratulate many other YA books that have launched in January, posting titles, authors and synopses of each.
This is karmic networking at its best. It also serves the purpose of gently softening the spotlight, which for folks like us, can feel a bit too warm and bright.
But, wait! There's more. When I asked Jennifer if she'd like to donate a book to one of our readers, she declined. Yup! Turned me right down. She asked if instead of giving her book, she could give one of our readers a donation of $25.00 to be sent to the Haiti relief fund of their choice. Yeah, absolutely. So, Violets and Vinnies, those of you that leave a comment today will be entered to win a directed donation to the earthquake victims. Thank you so much, Jennifer. You are an author and a gentlemanwoman. We will match your pledge to our winning reader.
"Yes, I am an introvert. But I’m not a hermit—I enjoy interacting with people, especially through the written word, whether online or on the printed page. (I blog, and I’m also on Twitter as @JennRHubbard.) Being an introvert just means that time alone recharges my battery. I’ve enjoyed the supportive atmosphere here at SVP since the blog began, and my suggestion for a paradoxical yet apt slogan is: Introverts, Unite!"
Jennifer R. Hubbard lives and writes near Philadelphia. She is a night person who believes that mornings were meant to be slept through, a chocolate lover, and a hiker. The Secret Year is her first published novel. She blogs right here. As does her cat, Scout, on occasion.
Violets, let the cyber-confetti `:~*!`:~*!`:~!`:~*!`: fly for Jennifer's first novel and for her generous, soulful contribution and presence!
Pictured: Jennifer and cat, Scout. Please note that relative size of Jennifer and Scout's heads are not to scale. I'm nearly certain of that.
GREAT NEWS! Author and psychologist Laurie Helgoe, interviewed here a short while back, will be joining us for a few guest essays in the coming months. Laurie wrote the massively popular non-fiction book Introvert Power, which many of us have read. If you have a particular question or topic that you'd like her to talk about, please let us know!
Lastly for now, I'll leave you with a sneak preview of our upcoming interview that SVP Field Reporter Laura Salas conducted with author and coach Nancy Ancowitz. Nancy is the author of Self-Promotion for Introverts: The Quiet Guide to Getting Ahead. We will run a two part interview with her, starting next Monday. I can't wait!
Excerpt: I've noticed that most of my public speaking clients spend most of their preparation time on content rather than delivery. However, they're already content experts. So what they really need to do more is practice how they'll speak in a strong, modulated voice, gesture effectively, and use the space. -- Nancy Ancowitz
Have a seriously sensational week, friends!
I love how the world is coming together to help Haiti. Thanks for all the links. Congrats to Jennifer Hubbard on her debut novel! It sounds amazing.
I just finished Jenn's book, and it is brilliant! Congrats, Jenn, and thanks for the wonderful prize idea, too. :)
Yes, Jenn is quite the warm spirit in the kidlit world! I am a big fan. :)
Yey Jenn! A beautiful book --and she's just as awesome as she sounds.
And yey, you! I'm not sure I've ever commented, but this introvert finds your blog so, so helpful.
Thank you!
I'm so very thrilled for Jenn and her wonderful book. And the donation to Haiti is brilliant.
Yay for Jenn! I have been seeing this book everywhere. It's bound to be a smashing success. We're all rooting for you, Jenn!
Congrats, Jenn!
-- boreal_owl from LJ
Thanks so much for the good wishes, Violets!
Jenn Hubbard
Yay Jenn! So glad to see your book in so many places!
Congratulations, Jenn! Here's to the success of "The Secret Year"!
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