I hope some of you have enjoyed a day off-- I've been spending part of mine coming up with the following list of reasons why I am going to post this twenty minute clip (omigod-- who has 2o minutes?) about a rather radical way of thinking about creativity. Which has little if anything to do with marketing for introverts, but everything about how we survive as artists doing the work. Not only that...
1). I'm pretty sure that Liz Gilbert is a BIG introvert
2). There is much we can learn by simply watching someone address a giant room full of people with more ease than perfection, and have them hanging on her every single word
3). I'm intrigued by her choice of pigtails for her appearance, and it makes me admire her all the more
4). In case any of us ever have the experience of having our books become "freakish" ENORMOUS bestsellers, we'll have some coping techniques for what comes after that
5). I adored what she said about being more a mule than a pipeline and I bet you will too.
6). It's a holiday, so that gives me a special dispensation to veer slightly off topic for something so powerful as this. (It's in our Shrinking Violet Handbook, Robin. You might have missed it.)
When you have twenty minutes, and can have a cup of joe or tea, and put your feet up, and shut your door, get ready for something very wonderful from Liz Gilbert. (Thanks to the ever-lovely Heide for sharing this with me!) If you have already seen this, I'm not going to apologize. I'm going to encourage you to watch it again.
Thanks to everyone that posted some great promotional tips on last Thursday's blog where we featured new author Meghan Wier. They were so fabulous that I was at a loss to pick the best, so we went the sorting hat route. Our winner of Meghan's new book entitled Confessions of an Introvert: The Shy Girl's Guide to Career, Networking, and Getting the Most Out of Life. is Augustina Peach. Congratulations AP! If you email me off-line by by clicking here, I'll get that right to you.
Allah and Ole' to you each in your work--
Mary Hershey
Mary- Thanks SOOO much for posting about that! As I live in the world of picture books, far from the adult lit world, I've never heard of her book and never would have watched that if you hadn't directed me there. What an inspirational, and and the same time reassuring, piece! And how did you know that was exactly what I needed to see/hear this week??!
Thank your genius for me, will you?
Yes, thanks!
I watched that clip a couple days ago and promptly passed it on to my writing buddies. It's excellent!
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