Dear Friends,
As a follow-up to Robin's post last week where she talked about our upcoming signing, I wanted to let you know that we've gotten a very enthusiastic response from people calling the bookstore and buying our books as a donation for Girls, Inc. For friends and family that live out of town and can't come to our event, or maybe aren't interested in owning a children's book themselves, they seem happy to have a chance to support us, an independent bookstore and some under-served girls. So file that away in your Tips for a Successful Book Signing folder. ~(:-] ) How might you connect your signing (or other event) to some greater good, beyond book sales for you?
In addition to way looking forward to spending the afternoon with Robin at the bookstore, we will have plenty of books to sign for Girls, Inc. And busyness begets busyness as we've discovered. An author signing a big stack of books draws more customers over to the table than one sitting alone looking frightened/desperate/embarrassed/bored/catatonic. Robin doesn't know this part yet, and please don't tell her for god's sake, but we'll be assembling book gift bags at the signing. So, we'll have fun, stay busy, and be making a difference in the lives of some girls that will be getting a cool gift.
I'm going to post the number of our indie bookstore here if you'd like to participate, which you can do through 5:00 pm this coming Sunday, July 13th. We've had some Violets do so already. Thank you so much!! Chaucer's Books phone number is 805.682.6787. Tell them that you want to buy a $35.00 gift certificate for the Mary Hershey signing for Girls, Inc. This allows each girl to get a personally autographed copy of my book and Robin's book.
Lastly, for the duration of the summer, Robin and I will be posting a new entry once per week, instead of twice weekly. The new post will be on Monday. On Thursdays, we will be featuring a previous post from our archives. We have a wonderful wealth of new readers that have joined us, and we look forward to their input on our previous posts. Starting in September, we'll resume our twice weekly Monday/Thursday new postings.
We hope you'll each find some ways to treat yourself a little bit of extra breathing room during the summer months! Give yourself some time to read (the brain candy kind), to try something new, to fully inhale (and exhale), to live in present time. Dig down and retrieve that blissful summer feeling that you had as a kid, lie down and roll around in it.
:o] "-]
As a follow-up to Robin's post last week where she talked about our upcoming signing, I wanted to let you know that we've gotten a very enthusiastic response from people calling the bookstore and buying our books as a donation for Girls, Inc. For friends and family that live out of town and can't come to our event, or maybe aren't interested in owning a children's book themselves, they seem happy to have a chance to support us, an independent bookstore and some under-served girls. So file that away in your Tips for a Successful Book Signing folder. ~(:-] ) How might you connect your signing (or other event) to some greater good, beyond book sales for you?
In addition to way looking forward to spending the afternoon with Robin at the bookstore, we will have plenty of books to sign for Girls, Inc. And busyness begets busyness as we've discovered. An author signing a big stack of books draws more customers over to the table than one sitting alone looking frightened/desperate/embarrassed/bored/catatonic. Robin doesn't know this part yet, and please don't tell her for god's sake, but we'll be assembling book gift bags at the signing. So, we'll have fun, stay busy, and be making a difference in the lives of some girls that will be getting a cool gift.
I'm going to post the number of our indie bookstore here if you'd like to participate, which you can do through 5:00 pm this coming Sunday, July 13th. We've had some Violets do so already. Thank you so much!! Chaucer's Books phone number is 805.682.6787. Tell them that you want to buy a $35.00 gift certificate for the Mary Hershey signing for Girls, Inc. This allows each girl to get a personally autographed copy of my book and Robin's book.
Lastly, for the duration of the summer, Robin and I will be posting a new entry once per week, instead of twice weekly. The new post will be on Monday. On Thursdays, we will be featuring a previous post from our archives. We have a wonderful wealth of new readers that have joined us, and we look forward to their input on our previous posts. Starting in September, we'll resume our twice weekly Monday/Thursday new postings.
We hope you'll each find some ways to treat yourself a little bit of extra breathing room during the summer months! Give yourself some time to read (the brain candy kind), to try something new, to fully inhale (and exhale), to live in present time. Dig down and retrieve that blissful summer feeling that you had as a kid, lie down and roll around in it.

Mary & Robin
1 comment:
I really love this idea of people buying books to donate. I'll definitely tuck this away for the future!
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